Presentations from Session 2

Complexity and Systems Thinking

Complexity, systems thinking and the development of new business models to support investment in municipal solid waste infrastructure
Christopher J. Bouch  &  Christopher D. F. Rogers

Using systems thinking to design actionable futures: a nuclear weapons example
Leon Young

Why do firms engage in forward-looking search? Performance, slack resource, and environmental determinants
Tymen Jissink, René Rohrbeck & Eelko Huizingh

Futures of Consumption and the Economy

Scenarios of consumption and wellbeing in the EU to 2050: exploring the missing dimension of
Tadhg O. Mahony & Jyrki Luukkanen

The role of governments in a circular economy, a transition narrative
Peter De Smedt & Kristian Borch

Managing complexity – the cultural dynamics and change linked to temporal processes
Anna Kirveennummi & Katariina Heikkilä

The future of consumer decision-making
Hanna Willman-Iivarinen

Futures of Education, Learning and Work

The Cogitaire 5 model – Thinking our way into the future
Jude Walker

Human-centric organisations and the culture of work in a complex world
Sofi Kurki

Exploring the future of work in drama workshops
Mikko Dufva, Minna Halonen, Mika Kari, Tapio Koivisto, Raija Koivisto & Jouko Myllyoja

Envisioning future innovative experimental ecosystems through foresight approach 
Vikram Munigala

Foresight in Technology

Participatory foresight and the future internet: Building futures through communication
Mario Guillo, Ana Bossler & Enric Bas

The strategic transformation for future societal vision – Japan’s innovative approach
Miki Kuribayashi, Kazuhiro Hayashi & Shinichi Akaike

To understand creativity in virtual work: identification of leadership toward creativity in different types of companies 
Iris Humala

The capability of Strategic Foresight – A cultural approach
Stefan Josef Marquart & Michael König

Methods and Methodology of Futures Research

Methods and tools to place foresight at the forefront of democratic renewal
Alun Rhydderch

Learning from mistakes – A modified backcasting approach to investigate success and failure in reaching the preferred future
Liisa Haapanen & Petri Tapio

The participation paradox. Critical reflections on the design and conduct of participatory foresight interventions in organizations
Christina M. Bidmon & René Rohrbeck

Future dreams of young people – Tools to promote young people’s civic participation
Katariina Heikkilä, Tuulia Nevala, Ira Ahokas & Liisa Hyttinen

Security Forecasting in a Complex World

Global Strategic Trends Programme overview Finland
Rhett Hatcher & Simon Cole

Futures of Democracy, Society and Values

The future of Belgian democracy according to political science students
Sébastien Brunet & Jean-Luc Guyot

Transdisciplinary agenda setting for future research and innovation – Comparing results of expert based foresight to large scale citizen centred forward-looking
Niklas Gudowsky, Philine Warnke, Aaron Rosa, Nora Häuser, Walter Peissl,

Utopias, dystopias and atopias in Jerusalem 2060
Julia Lampert

Deconstructing survivalism as futures knowledge
Marjukka Parkkinen